How to navigate history


Learn how to navigate through versions history in this 4 minutes video, or scroll below for the textual version.


Every collection offers a public database of versions they recorded.

For this guide, we will use the example of the Demo collection. The terms of this collection are published on the OpenTermsArchive/demo-versions repository.

  • From the repository page, open the folder of the service of your choice by clicking on it. For example, GitHub:

    Demo-versions repository services list

  • You will see the set of terms tracked for that service, now click on the terms of your choice. For example, GitHub’s Privacy Policy:

    GitHub terms list

  • The most recent version will be displayed. To view the history of changes made to these terms, click on History at the top right:

    GitHub Privacy Policy

  • The changes are presented in reverse chronological order. For example, GitHub Privacy Policy history. Click on a change title to see its contents:

    GitHub Privacy Policy history

  • The red colour shows deleted words and the green colour shows added words. For example, in this change of GitHub Privacy Policy, you can see in red the deletion of information about GitHub data protection officer.

    One GitHub Privacy Policy change with source diff view

  • You can choose from two types of display with the icons in the grey bar above the document. The first one (which is also the default one), named source diff displays the previous version and the next one either side by side or in a consolidated way (with one line under the other). The second one, named rich diff displays all the changes in a single document. In this view, beyond green and red, the yellow color shows modified paragraphs. Be careful, this display does not show some changes such as hyperlinks and text style’s changes:

    One GitHub Privacy Policy change with rich diff view


  • For long documents, unchanged paragraphs will not be displayed by default. You can manually make them appear by clicking on the small arrows just above or just below the displayed paragraphs:

    Expand unchanged paragraphs on source diff view


    Expand unchanged paragraphs on rich diff view

  • You can use the History button anywhere in the repository to display the history of changes made to all terms in the current folder.